

Entire Circuit of Solutions for the Electronics Industry

In the electronic industry, quality of water plays a critical role, and nothing can be left to chance. Large volumes of pure and ultra-pure water are required for the electronics & semi-conductor manufacturing process. Hence, water management is crucial as it includes water used for specific purposes wherein the quality of water required varies as per the usage such as pure & ultra pure water used to clean electronic components like semi-conductors, liquid crystals and flat panel displays as well as water required for various industrial and other facilities. Ion exchange offers a complete range of water treatment systems which helps meet the exacting and varied water quality requirements of this industry.

Besides this, Ion Exchange also provides a comprehensive range of wastewater treatment and recycle systems that reduce the requirement of fresh water and help the industry with valuable resource recovery.

Products and Solutions

Case Study

Electronics Case Study

A leading electronics company whose facility is located in a water stressed area and the little available fresh water is very costly. Availability of raw water as well as disposal regulations in the area were concerns and the client was looking for a cost effective effluent recycle system to reuse…

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Call: +91-22-6610-0678 (9:00 AM to 6:00 PM)

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